When a Define Custom Budgets Entry Forms has been setup with columns for multiple  (say, 2016, 2017 and 2018) and one of the years has an Budget Account Number setup for budgeting (say, 2016) , the Budget Account Numbers will display for all years (2016, 2018 and 2018)  even though the Budget Account Numbers has not been setup (2017 and 2018).

Because the Budget Account Numbers has not been setup (2017 and 2018) data will not be able to saved to them, and the Budget Account Numbers will need to be created. 

Similarly, if Budget Account Numbers have not been setup for all BudgetIDs that have columns, actual data will not appear for those missing Budget Account Numbers.  Please create Budget Account Numbers for all BudgetIDs.

If the Account Numbers have not been synched, go to Synchronize Chart of Accounts and follow the "yellow brick road".  If the accounts have already been synchronized add the Budget Account Number/s through Create Budget Accounts.