This report displays both the Assumptions sub-tab and Budget Summary data from the Accounts Details tab according to the Search criteria.  Accounts Details tab is found in Budgeting Dashboard, Basic Budget Entry, Custom Budget Entry, Custom Reports and Custom Reports with Line Item Details.

1) Search by selecting the required criteria:

a) CompanyDB;

b) BudgetID - to be available the "IsBudgeted" and "InReports" checkbox must be checked on Manage Budgets;

c) OrgUnit - to be available the "InReports" checkbox must be checked on Manage OrgUnits ;

d) OrgUnit Rollup as defined in Manage OrgUnits;

e) Object - to be available the "IsBudgeted and "InReports" checkbox must be checked on Manage Objects;and

f) Object Rollup as defined in Manage Objects.

2) By checking this box, only the Budget Summary data for the year of the BudgetID will display.  In our example, 2017 data will display.  If the box is unchecked, all Budget Summary data defined as "InSummary" in Manage Budgets will display.

3) This dropdown menu provides the options to Show All Accounts, Exclude Zero Budget, and Exclude Zero Budget & Actual Accounts.  Select the option you wish.

The display options can be helpful in identifying Accounts for analyses that had actuals in prior year but no budget in the current year.

4) Click on the "Search" button to run the report.

5) Please note the Advanced search functionality is available.

Print, Export to Excel, Print to PDF, Autofit Columns, Copy, and Expand/Reduce Column Width standard functionality is available.

The format of the on-screen data can be customized by using the Display Level, and Row Formats.

Please note that the following standardized Row Formats are available.  Highlight the one you wish to use.

Depending on your needs the horizontal screen space can be changed by checking or unchecking the following boxes:

Below is a view with all boxes unchecked.

"Source" indicates the source of the data.  For example, if the data comes from the Account Details/Assumptions tab the source would read "Assums".

The following "Right-Click" menu functionality is available: