1) Download the zip file
2) Extract/unzip the DynamicBudgets-App folder only. To unzip right-click the folder, click "Extract All", and the folder will unzip to the same directory as the original zip folder.
3) Copy/paste the files in the DynamicBudgets-App folder into your existing installation folder but exclude all other sub-folders if present; please contact Dynamic Budgets to discuss copying sub-folders if you believe your install requires the data in the sub-folders. If you have trouble coping/pasting the files into the existing installation folder please see Why Won't the Application Files Copy article.
4) Run the Server Configuration Utility to process the data/schema updates by double clicking on the green gear Icon (DynamicBudgedts.Windows.ServerConfiguration.exe). You will be prompted for the password which is OpenSesame#99
5) On the Upgrade Database tab confirm that the Server and database are accurate, and then click the Start Upgrade Button:
6) Check that all scripts ran successfully
7) Also please check the bottom of the Upgrade log tab to ensure the functions, views , and Stored Procedures update successfully.
8) Try launching the application
9) Run the Budgeting Dashboard for a department and Drill down on a number to go to the Account Details tab
10) In the Summary Pane, Drill down on a Actual month number to ensure GP transaction drill downs are still functioning.
And you should see the detail on the Reference Drill Down pop-up screen as below: